Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26, 2008 question

Britney has about 90 million Web sites calling her name, but Barack Obama is in the 110 million stratosphere. Interestingly enough, there is trivial controversy over which number is more disturbing. I won't try to settle it, since disturbance and controversy are always welcome here.

I will move on to the best news of the weekend, that Miss Indiana is now, for the first time ever, Miss America. (Also, the Miss America Pageant happened . . . who knew?) As a lifelong Hoosier, I'm proud that the leading propagator of world peace is finally from the finest state in the Union. To celebrate, here's more Miss America trivia for you in today's question:

Representatives from what three states have won the Miss America pageant six times each, tied for the most for any state?

Also, big sparkling tiaras to all who knew last Friday's question:

Paul C (the C stands for Connecticut)
Steve J (the J stands for Jersey)

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