Manhunt 2--a video game where an insane asylum escapee tortures and murders people with pliers, a shovel, broken glass, and many other tools of sadism--is being released on Halloween. Spokesmen from Rockstar Games, the purveyor of the virtual bloodfest, say that the game is intended not for children but rather for responsible adults.
For the benefit of everyone at Rockstar Games, I've attached a Venn Diagram of the intersection of Manhunt 2 players (A) and responsible adults (B).
Umm . . . yeah. Okay, here's today's question:
What is the second largest city in California?
Oh, and trivial kudos to Reg, Cindy, Paul C (the C stands for Cities Are Big), Heidi, Charles, and Heather M (the M stands for Make Me Up An Order Of Them There Super Fire Hot Wings), who knew that Buffalo is the second most populous city in New York.
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