Now that the Monday fog has lifted, you probably already know that The Departed was the last film to score Best Picture honors at the Oscars. Heidi, Melinda, Robbie, Neil, and Heather M (the M stands for Maybe The Rest Of You Couldn't Remember Because The Ceremony Ended After Bedtime) all knew anyway, fog be darned.
But that was yesterday. Today is a better today. Today is Tuesday. Wait . . . today is Tuesday? Then today is most definitely not a better day. Tuesdays reek even worse than Mondays. Mondays may be foggy, but when the pea soup drifts into nothingness, it leaves behind the foul stench of Tues. If you're wondering what Tues smells like, it's a lot like toes, but worse, because shoes and odor eaters have no effect. The terrible Tues, oh, I hate to think of it. You know what else I hate to think of? History. Here's a question from that era . . . you know, the past:
In what year did the War of 1812 end?
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