In Vermont, a syrup must be A) entirely syrup and B) be flavored exclusively by maple, i.e. 100% maple syrup to be called maple syrup. No one guessed that, but Heather M (the M stands for Maple To The Core) hoped that were true, so today that will do just fine. Congrats on your sappy victory.
Now today we're gonna play with words, because a friend of mine asserted, although mice is the plural of mouse and lice is the plural of louse, that spice is not the plural of spouse. So here's today's grammar question:
Which of the following is true, according to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary?
A. Blice is an accepted plural of blouse.
B. Dice is an accepted plural of douse.
C. Hice is an accepted plural of house.
D. Rice is an accepted plural of rouse.
E. Spice is an accepted plural of spouse.
F. Vice is an accepted plural of vouse.
G. All of the above
H. None of the above
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