Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008 question

The first Behind the Music was about music that came from behind the curtain: Milli Vanilli. Here's who knew the second time around (or at least mouthed the answer):

Mike K (the K stands for Keep Singing Even If The CD Skips)
Steve J (the J stands for Just Blame It On The Rain)

So . . . American Idol is over now, and all the votes have been counted. But we won't know who the real winner is until all the superdelegates have made up their minds. Actually, the season finale drew more votes (97 million+) than any other contest in AI history, which leads me to today's question:

If votes for this year's American Idol finale had counted in the general presidential election in 2000, who would have won the popular vote?

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