I forgot to mention: hair and belly buttons. Those were the two most popular answers for Friday's question, but the winner, by a hair, was hair. Dolphins are born with hair, but if falls off relatively quickly and they spend the rest of their lives bald as bald can be. Andy, Heidi, and Karen H (the H stands for Hair Falling Out Saves Them A Lot Of Shaving) all knew that.
As for yesterday's question, the Yangtze River is the longest in China (and in Asia, for that matter), followed by the Yellow. Here's who knew, pulling ahead in the Geography event here at the Trivia Olympiad: Paul K (the K stands for Korean Judge Took Off Half A Point Just For Kicks), Karen M (the M stands for Medal Round), Charles, Karen H (the H stands for Heading To The Podium) and Steve J (the J stands for Jump All You Want, But This Is Table Tennis). So here are the standings as we head into the next heat:
Trivia Olympiad--Geography
Paul K: 1
Karen M: 1
Charles: 1
Karen H: 1
Steve J: 1
On to today's question:
Of the seven continents, what is the second smallest in total area?
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