Friday, March 6, 2009

March 6, 2009 question

It's cranky Friday.

Watchmen is coming out tonight, and it's got everybody talking, even me. Here's what I'm saying, "Not gonna see it. Ever. Thpbt!"

Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend. I will celebrate by holding my breath for an entire hour beginning at 2 AM on Sunday and ending at 3 AM that morning. After I'm done, I will thumb my nose at the entire universe in disgust.

Grrr. Here's today's question:

From May 9 to May 23 in 1965, what two adjacent cities suddenly became separated by an hour?

And here's who knew that the Sun is like a Vitamin D machine:

Heather M (the M stands for Maybe I Should Just Go Back To Bed)
Nancy K (the K stands for Kill Me. Kill Me Now.)
Karen H (the H stands for How Are You, Really?)
Steve J (the J stands for Jump, Jive, And Wail)
Karen M (the M stands for Maybe Just Wail)

Yay for you all. Woo. Hoo.

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