Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19, 2008 question

The trivia hiatus is over. And so, hopefully, is the recent butchering of Beatles songs on American Idol. For the past two weeks the show has taken advantage of their recent coup with the owners (noseless and otherwise) of the rights to Beatles' songs by featuring Lennon/McCartney tunes one week and all Fab Four ditties the next. To borrow Simon's attitude for a moment, it was literally atrocious. Sorry.

I don't know how something can be figuratively atrocious. I know that neither I nor Simon is actually sorry to point out how bad the performances have become. I'm unsure as to why I feel the need to go on about it. So I won't. Here's today's question:

According to Merriam-Webster, what is the plural of hiatus?

Also, here's who knew that box set is the so-called correct term for a box of CDs:

Steve J (the J stands for Jethro Tull Compilation)
Stephen K (the K stands for KISS Collection)
Heather M (the M stands for Megadeth Through The Years)
Karen H (the H stands for Heart Hits)
Steve T (the T stands for T.E.S.L.A. Never Before Released Volumes)

You can't put that kind of genius in a box. Unless you consider your skull a box . . . then you can. But that's not the kind of box you want to let your kids play with.

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