Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22, 2009 question - Shameless Plugs

Other Stuff
While we're on the subject of unimportant things . . .
As part of my continual thirst for glory this laid-back Friday, I just wanted to take a brief moment to promote myself highlight some other content you might find of interest online (if you've visited these before, deal with it, post glowing comments under a pseudonym, consider yourself blessed, I apologize):

Musical Ripoffs: a look at songs that rip-off plagiarize steal seem inspired by other songs. The latest one kinda shocked me, even though the newer song is all but unknown.

v34: Why I hate LOL and you should, too. And there will be a Lost update soon, I promise.

AndCounting: It will be at least 101 #@&! years between #&*$@*^$#@ championships, and Tony LaRussa is the Devil. (Did I forget to strike that? Hmm. Whoops.)

Today's Question
Food and Words (how awesome is that?)
From what does the thick soup chowder derive its name?
A) The name of the chef who, according to folklore, concocted the original New England clam version
B) The pot or kettle in which it is cooked
C) The traditional base of salt pork
D) The traditional inclusion of seafood

Yesterday's Answer
And the people who knew it
Billy Idol. A man who needs no introduction (by definition that's something you should say after you say the person's name) and the answer to yesterday's question. If today's question were, "Who knew?" the answer would be Kyle. The both of you rock.

1 comment:

NoCheezburgers said...

I am totally guessing on this one as I have no actual idea - D) the inclusion of seafood?

And how do you do the strike through on those words?